
Generic operators

class qtealeaves.operators.TNOperators(set_names='default', mapping_func=None)[source]

Generic class to write operators. This class contains no pre-defined operators. It allows you to start from scratch if no other operator class fulfills your needs.


set_nameslist of str, optional

Name of the operators sets. Default to default

mapping_funccallable (or None), optional

Mapping the site index to an operator. Arguments site_idx must be accepted. Default to None (default mapping to only operator set)

Extract the local links from the operators.



Number of sites.


Dictionary with parameterization of the simulation.

get_operator(site_idx_1d, operator_name, params)[source]

Provide a method to return any operator, either defined via a callable or directly as a matrix.


site_idx_1dint, str

If int, site where we need the operator. Mapping will evaluate what to return. If str, name of operator set.


Tag/identifier of the operator.


Simulation parameters as a dictionary; dict is passed to callable.


Iterate throught all (key, value) pairs of all operators sets.


Return the keys of the underlying dictionary.

property mapping_func

Mapping function for site to operator set name.

property one_unique

Flag if only one operators set exists (True) or multiple (False).

property set_names

Return operator set names as list of strings.

transform(transformation, **kwargs)[source]

Generate a new TNOperators by transforming the current instance.



Accepting key and value as arguments plus potential keyword arguments.

**kwargskey-word arguments

Will be passed to transformation

write_input(folder_name, params, tensor_backend, required_operators)[source]

Write the input for each operator.



Folder name with all the input files; will be extended by the subfolder with the operators.


Dictionary with the simulation parameters.


The integer flag indicates if AbelianSymTensors or Tensors should be written to the input files.


List of operators keys which is needed for AbelianSymTensors, where we distinguish between left, right, center, and independent operators.

write_operator(folder_dst, operator_name, params, tensor_backend, **kwargs)[source]

Write operator to file. Format depends on the tensor backend.


folder_dststr or filehandle

If filehandle, write there. If string, it defines the folder.


Name of the operator.


Contains the simulation parameters.

kwargs : passed to write_symtensor

write_operator_abeliansym(folder_dst, operator_name, params, **kwargs)[source]

Write an abelian symmetry tensor based on the parameter dictionary, which has to provide the definitions of the symmetry, i.e., generators and symmetry type.


see write_operator

write_operator_dense(folder_dst, operator_name, params)[source]

Write dense tensor based on the numpy array.


see write_operator

Spin 1/2 operators

class qtealeaves.operators.TNSpin12Operators[source]

Operators specifically targeted at spin 1/2 systems. The operators id, sx, sz, n``= 1/2*(1-``sz), and nz = 1/2*(1+``sz``) are provided by default.


folder_operatorsstr, optional

The name of the subfolder inside the input folder, where we store operators. Default to SPIN12

Qudit operators

class qtealeaves.operators.TN3levelsOperators[source]

Operators defined for Lambda-like three-level systems, e.g., used in the case of Rydberg systems.


folder_operatorsstr, optional

The name of the subfolder inside the input folder, where we store operators. Default to 3levels


The three levels are labeled as: |0>, |1> and |r>. The following operators are defined: n0, n1, nr, sx01, sy01, sz01, n01, n10, n1r, nr1, sx1r. The identity id is defined as well.

class qtealeaves.operators.TN4levelsOperators[source]

Operators defined for a 4-level system, e.g., targeting Rydberg systems with two low-energy states, one Rydberg state |r>, and one additional state |d> allowing a decay from |r> to |d>.


folder_operatorsstr, optional

The name of the subfolder inside the input folder, where we store operators. Default to 4levels


The following operators are defined: n0, n1, nr, nd, sx01, and sx1r. The identity id is defined as well.

Bosonic operators

class qtealeaves.operators.TNBosonicOperators[source]

Operators specifically targeted at bosonic systems. The operators id, b, bdagger, n, and nint are provided by default.



The name of the subfolder inside the input folder, where we store operators.


The truncation of the Fock-space can be set via the keys fock_space_nmin and fock_space_nmax. By default, the local dimension is four including the levels 0, 1, 2, and 3.

static get_b(params)[source]

Define the bosonic annihilation operator.

static get_bdagger(params)[source]

Define the bosonic creation operator.

static get_id(params)[source]

Define the identity operator.

static get_n(params)[source]

Define the number operator.

static get_nint(params)[source]

Define the on-site interaction operator 0.5 * n * (n - 1).

Combined operators

class qtealeaves.operators.TNCombinedOperators(ops_a, ops_b)[source]

Combine operators for system a and b.


ops_ainstance of TNOperators

Set of operators for system a.

ops_binstance of TNOperators

Set of operators for system b.

folder_operatorsstr, optional

The name of the subfolder inside the input folder, where we store operators. Default to CombinedOps


The key of the operators after merging will be ops_a.ops_b.

get_any_operator_function(key_a, key_b)[source]

Get function to compute kronecker product between set of operators a and b.



Operator name of class a.


Operator name of class b.


Merge set of operators.